Let us not rephrase it to: do unto others what they did unto you!
Here the key words appear to be ‘would like’. Time to change
Our fathers went through the system as did we. Time to change
There is so much more to know today than before. Time to change
Demands on every next generation are higher and higher. Time to change
I want to give my child a life better than the one I had. Time to change
A pre-requisite to relishing a dynamic environment is responding to its kaleidoscopic movements. To do more one has to mobilise oneself differently. You cannot make a million cars in a 1000 car capacity plant. An expanding dream therefore requires self-motivated initiatives. Not for us the wait and watch policy, time is intolerant of it, it moves on! Combing for new ideas is imperative, all to gain by chancing.
The question frequently asked is – Is this a safe school to leave the child to, with its uncommon ideas? Ask yourself why would one risk millions of rupees in investing into a school if one were not engulfed by the ideas? Ask yourself why would any founder risk his/her reputation of goodwill with useless experiments? Ask searching questions to satisfy yourself but probe. Seek validations but pursue the new. You do not have to eat the whole egg to know it is good. Take the chance, the risk is calculated.
Slow and steady is the past, quick and sure the future. When does one take the step? Early is late! Give the best early. It is clear that early detection is half the cure. Time lost can never be regained. The early get to eat the choicest the late ones can but get crumbs. Live the difference now. Waiting for it to percolate to you could be late!
History is replete with instances where the ones who took uncharted territories, ruled. Social growth is surely about moving away from the routine and weather-beaten. The breath of freshness of the new is invigorating, the taste of neoteric is delectable, seeing the expanse of the yet unconquered is thrilling, feeling the little explored is exciting. Listen to the call of exceptional. With every chance you take, you discover a new road to a newer destination.
Walking down a well-tread path will surely offer fewer sights than walking in the woods. Rarely would one reach the home riding on the highway alone. You need to turn off, and where you turn makes all the difference. You miss the turn and it may be a long way before you can get yourself back!
To chance is about computed probabilities, to change is an exploration, transformation a certainty.
~Raghavan M R