Lumens School is a pioneering effort to give quality & creative education to our children. Our unique education method, ‘Quad Seek’ was originally researched in USA and adapted by our educationists Mrs Aruna Raghavan & M.R. Raghavan, who are well known experts in Child Education & Development. ‘Quad Seek’ consists of 4 pillars of education: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual & Spiritual.
The Raghavans, our mentors & inspiration, have helped set up 50 schools across India and Malaysia. The Story of the Raghavans.
Lumens, Vapi is a CBSE (proposed) school from playgroup to Std 12. Currently we have three pre-primary schools, two in Vapi (Gunjan & Chala) & one in Daman. The main school building (from Std 1), which is coming up at Namdha ( 2 km from Vapi) would have world-class facilities.
Apart from the school, Lumens also offers creative after-school classes for children of all schools in the age group 4-12 years. These classes known as ‘ALPs’ offers the
1) General knowledge Club,
2) Reading club and
3) Science & Astronomy Club.
Lumens School is now open for admissions for the academic year Nov 2013-14 & June 2014-15.
We invite you for a tour of our school premises followed by a counselling session. We are eager to meet you and your child.
Call: 8238228833 / 9712989378 / 8141522422
Website: http://lumenseducation.net/
1) Vapi-E, Saurabh Society, Gunjan
2)Vapi-W, Swami Narayan Gurukul Road, Chala
3) Daman – Teen Batti, Nani-Daman
Main School
Coming up in Namdha (2km from Vapi west and 1.5 km from Rofel College)