Trip down the memory lane on teacher’s day

Dear Teachers and Sir,
I miss Lumens and you all, and I have had amazing memories with you guys. I have written a poem,
for you all.

All those teaching me since childhood,
You have always been so good.
All those memories, all those times,
They shall be remembered lifetime.
Remember the trip the Mumbai?
Jab Tanzim teacher end me roi?
Or year by year at school,
So cool .
Our teachers were our lifeline,
They made sure we were fine.
When I got my fracture,
Tanzim teacher and Palani Sir
didn’t leave till I cured.
All my teachers and sir,
You made life at Lumens,
So fun,
Became comedians and
Thank you for it all,
So now let’s give the call,
Happy Teacher’s Day.
-Mishika Joisher